The International Baccalaureate Program 

@ Kettering Fairmont High School

Discover the IB Advantage!

Are you a college-bound sophomore looking to add a little more to your school day? The IB Diploma Program will not only prepare you for the post-Fairmont days ahead, but will also lend you more autonomy, more choice, and more say in what you do and how you learn in your courses.

Click here to learn more about our classes and the IB Program at FHS

Click here to sign up for IB Day on Tuesday, February 4

Upcoming dates related to IB Scheduling

Thursday, January 23--10th Grade Scheduling Night, Fairmont High School, 6:00pm 

Tuesday, February 4--7:00pm: Informational meeting for parents and students about the IB Program, FHS Recital Hall 

Monday, February 10--Thursday, February 13: IB scheduling conferences

Tuesday, February 18--Friday, February 21: FHS Scheduling Week

See What Our Students Have to Say 

about Fairmont IB!

John Day

Class of 2022

"...we have such a strong community in IB. Having a network of support is really an amazing to thing to have. "

Greyson Osterfeld

Class of 2022

"It's not just the typical textbook knowledge you would get in other honors classes...IB is unique in that it works to create well-rounded students in more ways than just what you learn while in school." 

Hayden Sprance

Class of 2022

"It isn't just strictly one big test at the end of the year.  We have different ways to show that we comprehend and understand the  knowledge that we're being taught."

Rand Al Samarrai

Class of 2023

"I think that a different dynamic of teaching and learning where it's student led and there's a lot more examination and evaluation about your own personal knowledge experience has been really insightful." 

Gianna Delander, Isabelle House, Sophie Campbell, Alice Wagoner, & Lola Poe-Slade

Class of 2021

"As long as you manage your time, the work is very manageable. You can do it. Do IB," Alice Wagoner

Thi Le

Class of 2022

"The IB Diploma Program is more than a curriculum to me.  It is a place where students can get to know each other more, where introverts can become extroverts, and a place that can become like a second home."

Morgan Lacy

Class of 2022

"The IB Diploma Program...has made me a more rounded thinker. I feel like it's made me more critically think about things too besides just looking at something and 'okay, just memorize this.' "

A Chat with IB Grads

In December 2020 IB Diploma Candidates held a conversation with graduates of Kettering Fairmont High School and students who earned the IB Diploma through their work in the International Baccalaureate Program. Participants include: Adam Duffy, class of 2016, graduate of The Ohio State University, Thomas Siafa, Jr., class of 2017, senior at The University of Chicago, Kalliope Bessler, class of 2018, junior at Loyola University, Chicago, Melody Wagoner, class of 2019, sophomore at Dennison University and Fabrice Uwihirwe, class of 2020, freshman at Notre Dame. This discussion was moderated by Darren McGarvey, IB Coordinator.

Want more information about the IB Diploma Program? 

Email Mr. McGarvey,


Contact Darren McGarvey, IB Coordinator at or by calling 937.499.1662.

Follow us on Twitter @kfhsib